Grand Magal de Touba: sources in the Quran.
The Grand Magal of Touba is made and thanksgiving to the Lord and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is celebrated by the Muslim community Mouride each year the 18th day of lunar month of Safar.
It is a recommendation of Sheikh Ahamdou Mbacké to commemorate the day when Allah Most High told him the outcome of its Mission and Rehabilitation Islam. Le Grand Magal is celebrated in accordance with the following verses of the Holy Quran where Allah Almighty says:
"Every people of the community [Muslim], we have offered a festive occasion to testify their gratitude.
But they do not offend what is ordered.
Called rather to your Master because you are on the right path. "(S.22 V.67)
"Every people of the community, we gave an opportunity to celebrate [its members] to show their gratitude, to mention the name of Allah in their holocaust on what Allah has prepared in cattle.
Allah is one and the Supreme Godhead.
A It subdue you [Assalam]!
[The Prophet] proclaims the Good News to the humble worshipers of Allah, whose hearts are sensitive to the evocation of the name of Allah, those who endure their ordeal with longanimité to those who perform prayer and faithfully [to] spend [ in alms] on what we have given them! "